Masaru Kamada, Dr. of Engineering
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Vice Dean
College of Engineering
Ibaraki University
Teaching (presently) Software realization, Win32API and Visual Studio, Computer architecture, Information Literacy, Advanced system theory; (in the past and at other universities) Signal processing, Information theory, Technical English, Introduction to computer and information systems, Embedded systems, Logic circuits, Introductory seminar on computer and information sciences, Laboratory work in computer and information sciences, Mathematical analysis, Differential equations, Programming in Pascal, C, Sparc and i8085 assembler, CPU assembling, Web authoring, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel.
Studying System-theoretic approach to discretization/reconstruction of continuous-time signals and digital communication systems. Also enjoying affairs with applied cryptography, object-oriented programming languages, and web-based services.
Author and co-author of more than 70 journal papers and some other conference papers in the fields of sampling theory, approximation theory, signal/image processing, communication systems, applied cryptography, object-oriented programming languages, web-based services, and pattern recognition.
Co-inventor of several patents in the fields of signal/image processing, web search engine, fair network gambling, and computer forensics.
Mathematical prescriber of LUXMAN DA-07 hi-fi digital-to-analog converter, which received the 1988 Golden Sound Award from Stereo Sound.
Bachelor (1984), Master (1986) and Doctor (1988) of Engineering in Information Science and Electronics (The University of Tsukuba).
Part-time PC dealer (1981-1983) at System Port, Ltd. Research associate (1988-1989) and Lecturer (1989-1992) at the University of Tsukuba. Associate professor (1992-2005) and Professor (2005-) at Ibaraki University. Academic guest (1993-1995) at Mathematische Systemtheorie, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. Part-time lecturer at Tokiwa University (1997-2022). Co-founder and Executive director of Learning-i, Co., Ltd. (2005-2013).
Reviewer (1990-) of Mathematical Reviews; Occasional reviewer of IEEE Transactions; Regular reviewer (1992-1997, 2001-) and Associate editor (1997-2000), IEICE Transactions on Engineering Science; Publications Secretary (1998-1999) and Webmaster (1999), IEICE Engineering Science Society; Treasurer (2000-2001), Japan Chapter, IEEE CAS Society; Secretary of the Journal (2003-2020), Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing- An International Journal; Editor (2020-) Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis; Associate Editor (2009-2018), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; Member of Honor (2010-), Mongolian Mathematical Society; Member (1988-1991) of Superdistribution committee, JEIDA.
Principal member of Team Kamada (as the name suggests).
Born (1962) and raised in Hitachi.
Loves his wife, children and dog; tiny computers; Bier, beer, vino, vin, Islay single malt, vodka; Subaru Flat-4 motor and Isuzu Piazza (called Impulse in the U.S.); football (soccer); The Yardbirds and related people; Snoopy.
Family information is available in Who’s Who in the World, the millennium edition.
e-mail to:
p-mail to: Masaru Kamada
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Ibaraki University, Hitachi
Ibaraki 316-8511, Japan
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