- Masaru KAMADA, Semih ÖZLEM and Hiromasa HABUCHI: Construction of orthogonal overlapping pulses for impulse radio communications, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E91-A, Special Section on Wideband Systems, to appear (Nov. 2008).
- Masaru KAMADA, Semih ÖZLEM and Hiromasa HABUCHI: Cardinal spline pulses for impulse radio communications, CD-ROM of the International Workshop on Sampling Theory and Application 2007, Thessaloniki (Greece), (June 2007).
- Mitsuhiro MATSUO, Masaru KAMADA and Hiromasa HABUCHI: Design of UWB pulses in terms of B-splines, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E88-A, Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems, 2287-2298 (Sep. 2005).
- Mitsuhiro MATSUO, Masaru KAMADA and Hiromasa HABUCHI: Locally supported cardinal splines biorthogonal when shifted by every two knots, CD-ROM Proceedings of International Workshop on Sampling Theory and Application 2005, Samsun (Turkey), (July 2005).
- Mitsuhiro MATSUO, Masaru KAMADA and Hiromasa HABUCHI: Design of UWB pulses based on B-splines, CD-ROM Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Kobe, C3L-M.2, (May 2005).
- Mitsuhiro MATSUO, Masaru KAMADA and Hiromasa HABUCHI: Design of UWB pulses by spline approximation, CD-ROM Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2005, New Orleans, (March 2005).
- Masaru KAMADA and Mitsuhiro MATSUO: Digital/analog hybrid implementation of cardinal spline interpolation, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E87-A, 2412-2419 (Sep. 2004).
- Masaru KAMADA: Beat-rest pulsing for impulse radio communications (keynote speech), Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008 (ICCCE '08), Kuala Lumpur, (May 2008).
- 鎌田賢: インパルス無線通信のための直交パルス, 数理科学セミナー, 茨城大学教育学部, 水戸市, 2008年3月.
- Masaru KAMADA: Time-limited orthogonal pulse for fast impulse radio communications, Sofia Symposium 2007 - Modern Mathematics and Its Application to Modern Technology, Sofia University, Tokyo, (Nov. 2007).